To improve the quality of SKYWARN® volunteer services to the Wichita NWS and the surrounding area by recruiting SKYWARN® volunteers that communicate well, by training the SKYWARN® volunteers thoroughly, and by improving the methods, quality, and frequency of communication and visibility as they relate to the "High Impact" events that affect the Wichita NWS area of responsibility. The Wichita Skywarn group has over 300 volunteers in the 26 county Wichita coverage area. We Provide multiple paths of alerting the group of impending weather including HAM Radio, Twitter, SMS, and email, while also providing the same paths and more to report events back to net control operations during severe weather events.
Wichita Skywarn Advisory Group

  • Chance Hayes - KCØQBY - National Weather Service
  • Jordan Henion - KØJWH - Sedgwick Co (Webmaster)
  • Jim Enix - KCØQIE - Sedgwick Co
  • Kent Stutzman - KBØRWI - Harvey Co
  • Carl Anderson - NØORS - Barton Co
  • Teddy Banks - KCØWNY - Greenwood Co
  • Russel Groves - WXØRG - Marion Co
  • John Goerzen - KRØL - Marion Co
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