Stormtrack post from 3/14/2023:

2023-March: I have downloaded and exported new road shape files for GRLevelX (GRLevel3 / GRLevel 2 Analyst) radar software. As in my previous exports, there is a shape file for each radar site with an approximately 150-200 mile radius around it (distance is estimated since GIS software does not use that as a unit of measure). The style file did not need to be modified, so you should be able to use my 2021 version. As did my export I previously posted in 2021, these include creeks and rivers. The zoom level threshold at which they appear can be tweaked by modifying the style file in a text editor. 

Update for 2023: The issues I had with NY and neighboring states has been resolved, so all sites in that area now have their own shape files again.

Reminder: For those of you who venture over the border, road files for Canadian Provinces and Mexico are included for US radar sites near the border. 

I do not do exports for TDWR sites unless there is no L2/L3 site nearby. 

If there are any sites I have missed, or any sites in other countries I am not aware of, I would be glad to export road data for those as well upon request. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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